The great LOVE Debate.
Today , while attending a class , everyone had reached a point where all the pretense of concentration just evaporates . Yeah 45 minute mark , I am talking about you. At that point Sourav sitting behind me said to Ashwani , “Dude , when you enter your job , fall in love as soon as possible”. As soon as I heard this sentence , the slumber that was engulfing me vanished , and I looked behind to both of them with the brightest of smile ! Finally something interesting happening in the class. To Sourav’s sentence , Ashwani looked towards me and said , “This is the same guy , who told me last year that this is not the time for love , distractions not required right now” , to which Sourav replied , “Are I was a kid back then , naive , now I’ve grown up.”
Well what a change a year brings in people , as Sourav is enjoying his honeymoon period , which he quotes “will go on forever” , he is smitten right now and advising people to fall in love . All the best dude for your forever honeymoon, but my question is something different , Is it okay to fall in love ? How much of being in love is alright , till what extent should people ‘fall’ in love?
I believe it’s good to be in love , but not so to fall in it. I mean we are an average of 5 people that we surround ourselves with , but what will happen if that number reduces to one? If we spend all our time with just one person , what kind of effect would that have on us? I believe individuality is important , and for that some ‘me’ time is essential. As it happens in today’s lifestyle with so many rigors and mental stress , love has become paramount , you need it! Everyone loves talking about their day , and it’s nice to have someone to hear that , someone to share the small tiny details with you.
But what happens when you start giving too much time talking about your day and those small tiny details ? We all have equal amount of time , and when we start giving anything more time , other things in life suffers , it can be your friendship , your hobbies or as in most cases , sleep , as it’s easiest to dispense . But these things , if ignored catch you red handed one day , and then you realize , how much you have missed by ‘falling’ in love. Life has a lot of aspects that need time are care , and perhaps the greatest challenge is to manage all of them.
We all have 24 hours , falling anywhere takes a lot of time to pick ourselves back. So please be in love , but don’t fall in it.
Also , do let me know your thoughts on this issue. It’s a debate after all. Kudos